of the accusers, show discrepancies between what they told the fbi when they were being interviewed about just jeffrey epstein and what they had subsequently said after jeffrey epstein s death. but in the end, that wasn t enough because what you had left is this gaping hole, this question mark, why did jeffrey epstein pay ghislaine maxwell an astonishing $30 million. there was no explanation for that. why did ghislaine maxwell stick with this man, who wasn t very nice to her, we heard during testimony, took her photograph down when he had other women to stay, had ore own assistants send other women flowers? i think jurors, you know, were told to use their common sense by prosecutor maureen comey about that money, about what the real narrative could possibly be, and that s what they did. you mentioned kindly my new
Neon Nettle - Child Victim Testifies Ghislaine Maxwell Set Appointments for Epstein to Rape Her - Another accuser gives damning testimony of abuse suffered at 14 years old
Among the many details to surface last week in Maxwell’s federal trial from the wicker basket of hand washed sex toys in her bathroom, to the heads of state Epstein entertained as guests was the use of a 58-page handbook given to staff to make the $18.5 million, 14,000-square-foot mansion sparkle “like a five-star hotel.”
One of the scenes of Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes was set up in court for Ghislaine Maxwell’s jury to see Friday: An expensive-looking but very worn and used massage table. The table was seized by Florida cops from Epstein’s Palm Beach villa more than 15 years ago.