A light earthquake magnitude 4.4 (ml/mb) strikes 162 km N of Maubara, Timor Leste (101 miles) on Friday. The earthquake was picked up at 07:46:17/7:46 am (UTC/GMT) at a .
It is increasingly clear that human health and wellbeing are being threatened everywhere because of global warming and environmental damage. Extreme weather events, sea level rise, increasing scarcity
Update Mon, 19 Apr 2021, 17:30
Moderate tremor of magnitude 4.3 just reported 71 km north of Atambua, Indonesia
4.3 quake 20 Apr 1:13 am (GMT +8)
Indonesia s Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency reported a magnitude 4.3 quake in Indonesia near Atambua, Kabupaten Belu, East Nusa Tenggara, only 16 minutes ago. The earthquake hit early morning on Tuesday 20 April 2021 at 1:13 am local time at a shallow depth of 10 km. The exact magnitude, epicenter, and depth of the quake might be revised within the next few hours or minutes as seismologists review data and refine their calculations, or as other agencies issue their report.
Our monitoring service identified a second report from the European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) which listed the quake at magnitude 4.3 as well.
19 Jan 05:07 UTC: First to report: GFZ after 7 minutes.
19 Jan 05:10: Magnitude recalculated from 5.2 to 5.3. Hypocenter depth recalculated from 432.0 to 435.0 km (from 268 to 270 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 2.2 km (1.4 mi) towards N.
19 Jan 05:15: Now using data updates from BMKG
19 Jan 05:30: Hypocenter depth recalculated from 434.0 to 433.0 km (from 270 to 269 mi). Epicenter location corrected by 1.6 km (1 mi) towards NE.
Update Tue, 19 Jan 2021, 05:18
Moderate yet deep earthquake of magnitude 5.3 just reported 126 km northwest of Delhi, Timor-Leste
5.3 quake Banda Sea, Timor-Leste, 19 Jan 2021 1:01 pm (GMT +8)
Timor-Leste was shaken near Delhi, Vera Cruz, Dili, by an earthquake of magnitude 5.3 only 17 minutes ago, Indonesia s Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG) reported.