Washington County CARTEENS 4-H Club
In every CARTEENS meeting, special goals are discussed among teammates to improve and enrich the program and members. In the meeting for March 10, 2021, CARTEENS members voted for new officers and discussed the Teen Instructor Award Nominations. In the officer’s election, Julia Hartline was elected for the office of president, while Megan Beaver was chosen for the vice president. Furthermore, Melina Matics was nominated as the historian, Felicity Schmidt volunteered to be the news reporter, and Lindsey Hartline was appointed as the recording secretary, lastly Emma Bauerbach serves at the community service officer. In addition to electing officers, Kathryn Hartline, the program coordinator, discussed the Teen Instructor Award Nominations with the group. Hartline explained that each member of CARTEENS will have the ability to win various awards such as gift cards, award plaques, and possibly a scholarship by completing leadership activities throu
Lynch Combined 4-H Club
Meeting: April 11, 2021
A regular meeting was held at the Marietta First Church of the Nazarene. Attendance was taken by asking members what their favorite color is. There were 9 members present; 6 Cloverbuds present; 2 advisors present; and 5 parents present.
The pledge to the American flag was led by member, Grady Hartline. Cloverbud, Audrey Goeller, led the 4-H pledge.
Vice President, Leigha Hendershot, led the meeting. Mattie Sandford gave her Health Report. She said that optimistic people live longer and have lower blood pressure. Gracie Morrie gave her health report by telling that right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left handed people. Audrey Goeller gave her Inspiration Report. She encouraged members to be yourself. You are the best person, so you do not need to change.