The Elyria-based maker of wheelchairs and other medical equipment announced Matthew E. Monaghan has been removed from his roles as chairman, president and CEO. Geoffrey P. Purtill, who had been Invacare's senior vice president and general manager, EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and APAC (Asia-Pacific), was named interim president and CEO. The company also named a new board chair.
Equities analysts predict that Invacare Co. (NYSE:IVC – Get Rating) will post sales of $212.59 million for the current quarter, Zacks Investment Research reports. Two analysts have made estimates for Invacare’s earnings, with the highest sales estimate coming in at $213.57 million and the lowest estimate coming in at $211.60 million. Invacare reported sales of […]
Analysts expect that Invacare Co. (NYSE:IVC – Get Rating) will report sales of $196.34 million for the current fiscal quarter, Zacks reports. Two analysts have issued estimates for Invacare’s earnings. The lowest sales estimate is $195.30 million and the highest is $197.38 million. Invacare posted sales of $196.20 million in the same quarter last year, […]