Common Pleas New Cases Matthew Sias, Lang Street, East Liverpool, and Charlene Sias, Pancake Clarkson Road, Negley; dissolution sought. Consumers National
Louisiana Insurance Agent Arrested on Fraud Charges May 12, 2021
A Louisiana insurance agent was arrested on May 10, following an investigation by Louisiana State Police into allegations of insurance fraud.
The Louisiana Department of Insurance had revoked the property/casualty producer license of Matthew Sias in September 2020, for allegedly misappropriating premium funds. He was fined $1,500
In its September 2020 cease and desist order, the LDI said Sias, the owner of MSJ INS LLC (MSJ) in Lafayette Parish, is alleged to have misappropriated insurance premium on more than one occasion between December 2019 through September 2020.
According to investigators, Sias accepted premium payments from multiple clients but failed to remit their premiums, resulting in cancellations of their policies. Sias and MSJ have been previously issued regulatory actions for similar activity.
Insurance fraud scheme leads to arrest of insurance agent
and last updated 2021-05-11 14:03:29-04
â The Louisiana Department of Insurance issued a Cease & Desist Order to suspend the producer license of Matthew Sias on September 8, 2020, due to allegations of insurance fraud.
Later that same month, troopers initiated an investigation into the matter and determined illegal fraudulent activity had taken place, according to TFC Thomas Gossen. Sias, an insurance agent in Lafayette Parish, allegedly committed insurance fraud between December 2019 through September 2020.
On May 10, 2021, Sias was arrested on two arrest warrants for the following charges:
3 counts of Producer Fraud
Matthew Sias, an insurance agent who ran for the Lafayette City Council in 2019, was arrested on Monday for allegedly committing insurance fraud between December 2019 through September 2020.
According to Louisiana State Police Trooper Thomas Gossen, Troopers began an investigation into the insurance fraud allegations the same month that the Louisiana Department of Insurance issued a Cease & Desist Order to suspend the producer license of Sias, on September 8 of 2020. Sias was arrested on two arrest warrants for the following charges:
3 counts of Producer Fraud
4 counts of Felony Theft
1 count of Automobile Insurance Fraud
mugshot from Lafayette Parish Sheriff s Office
In September of 2020 when Insurance Commissioner Jim Donelon issued the Cease & Desist Order because of the allegations Sias faced of collecting premiums but not paying his clients bills, Sias spoke with our news partners at KATC about it, saying.