CBS premiered the 44th season of their hit reality series Survivor on Wednesday, which got off to a rather bloody start, with one elimination already due to a nasty injury.
A raft of new competitors will need all their cunning and skill for the chance to become this year’s Sole Survivor. Here’s how to watch Survivor season 44 online from anywhere now.
Bruce Perreault was one of the original 18 cast members on the 44th season of "Survivor", but his time in the competition was, unfortunately, cut short.
Survivor Season 44 premiere: Maddy Pomilla voted out with a single vote, Bruce Perreault evacuated, and new advantages introduced!. Survivor featured the "Ratu Tribe" voting out Maddy Pomilla with just one vote after an idol and two "Shots in the Dark" were played, Bruce Perreault s medical evacuation, two more medical scares, and the introduction of brand new advantages during Season 44 s premiere Wednesday night on CBS.