touch. we try take care of one another. but that s not the same spirit, i found, you know, with most of the inmates. now the relationship between another pair of cellmates is under close scrutiny from jail officials. 2 hours earlier 24 hours earlier, matthew glidden was discovered dead in his bunk. his cellmate, michael bixby, is being questioned by authorities. big box subsidy in lockdown. i will not allow him to be roomed with anybody else at this time to ensure the safety of the facility. charles dempsey used to share a cell with glidden and suspects foul play. another thing that made me skeptical is when he was in the room with me, he couldn t stand the wool blankets. matthew couldn t stand the wool blankets at all. that morning he was underneath the wool blanket. at the time of his death, glidden was awaiting trial on charges of sexual misconduct with a minor. accused sex offenders are often targets for violence. his cellmate, michael bixby, is