Medically Reviewed
Electroacupuncture relieved musculoskeletal pain more efficiently, with fewer side effects, than regular acupuncture or standard treatment for this complaint.
News breaks in the cancer arena all the time. Sometimes it’s big like word that a breakthrough drug has increased survival for a hard-to-treat cancer. Sometimes it’s smaller. Any of it may matter to you and your family as you navigate your cancer journey. We do our best to keep you up-to-date with a monthly roundup of some of the most significant recent cancer news.
Electroacupuncture May Relieve Musculoskeletal Pain for Cancer Survivors
What’s New Electroacupuncture (electrical stimulation of acupuncture needles after insertion) reduces average pain severity scores and improves physical and mental quality of life in cancer survivors with chronic musculoskeletal pain, according to a study published March 18, 2021, in