A Sydney restaurant is using a Chinese-made, multi-lingual hospitality robot to address chronic staff shortages as Australia’s economy begins to recover from COVID-19 lockdowns and border closures. The robot waiter is programmed to know the layout of the tables and delivers food from the kitchen. It is also multi-lingual, programmed to communicate in English and…
Netflix’s new dramedy Ginny and Georgia follows the personal upheavals of a vibrant but scattered 30-year-old mother and her smart, moody teenage daughter as they adjust to a new life in an idyllic New England everytown. The show alternates fast-talking
Gilmore Girls–style banter with suspense and heavy drama, while also tackling a checklist of the hot-button issues including racism, sexism, mental health and political corruption. Key to its apple-pie Americana power is its quaint Massachusetts setting which happens to filmed right here in southern Ontario. Here’s a spoiler-filled recap 0f every local setting in
Ginny and Georgia.