<a href="https://www.hktdc.com/event/aor/en/form/aor-form?visitor type=49&country=&ref office=&ref code=LFAE IOTLE 2023 pressinfo MediaOutreach2&reg link id=c73ff8ca371238458253b88eda0a6f0555e4d27a6c3f47c9c03e5c0554965001&utm source=affiliate&utm medium=affiliate websites&utm campaign=LFAE IOTLE 2023 pressinfo MediaOutreach2&utm content=exh mkt&DCSext.dept=5&utm id=20231016 73"><b>Buyer Registration</b><b> Link</b></a><b/> <br/> <br/> HONG KONG SAR - <a href="https://www.media-outreach.com/">Media OutReach</a> - 22 October 2023 - Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC), the 25th <b>Hong Kong International Lighting Fair (Autumn Edition)</b> and the 8th <b>Hong Kong International Outdoor and Tech Light Expo </b>will be held on 27-30 October at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhib