lecture series featuring the trail manager for the star spangled banner national historic trail ranger kate marks hardy. we re excited to have kate tonight and especially excited with the topic women of the chesapeake during the war of 1812 because guess what we are kicking off women s history month. it is the month of march. so what a great way to kick it off tonight. my name is jeff bukit. i have the privilege of being the executive director for the pride of baltimore inc. the non-profit that supports the tall ship pride of baltimore, too. we re excited for our fourth featured speaker in our series ranger kate marks hardy trail manager for the star-spangled banner national historic trail. during the war of 1812 women living in the chesapeake bay region under great political economic and emotional upheaval these women from various occupations classes races and ages played an important role in the war their bravery resourcefulness and resilience influence the evolution of the