By Dusty Sonnenberg, CCA, Ohio Field Leader: a project of the Ohio Soybean Council and soybean checkoff
As more is learned about the complexities of the soils serving as the basis for our civilization, it is becoming apparent to many that agricultural management practices need to change. Les Siler, a farmer from Fulton County, said farmers need to be intentional to improve the quality and health of their soil.
“Treat the soil like a living thing. You need to take care of it, keep it covered and not tear it up,” Siler said. “Along with the use of cover crops, having a multiple crop rotation is beneficial. “Crop diversity is very beneficial to the soil health and the soil life. Farmers also need to think about anything they do to the soil. If it is applying fertilizer or making a tillage pass. They need to think about how that impacts building the soil.”
Upcoming webinars for Farm Bill decisions
Brooke Beam Contributing columnist
Over the next few weeks there will be several webinars offered that will be beneficial to your farming operations. The first webinars focus on the ARC or PLC decision for the 2021 program year.
The first program covering the ARC/PLC decision will be offered Wednesday, Jan. 13, so be sure to tune in either by phone, tablet or computer. The second set of programs listed below feature a variety of agronomy topics, with the first program being offered for Tuesday, Jan. 12.
ARC/PLC for the 2021 Program Year
Jan. 13, 1-3 p.m.
Jan 6, 2021
STEUBENVILLE Beginning this month, Ohio State University Extension will host series on soil health, winter weather extremes and agricultural technologies for agronomic crop producers. There is no cost to attend these webinars, but pre-registration is required.
Sessions on soil health will run Thursdays at 8 a.m. starting Thursday. To register, visit
Here is the schedule of topics:
– Jan. 14: “Does Soil Health Pay?” The farmer panel includes Nathan Brown, Matt Falb and Les Seiler.
– Jan. 21: “What Can Soil Health Tests Tell You?”
– Jan. 28: “Can Improving Soil Health Improve Yield?”
– Feb. 4: “Cover Crop Management.”
– Feb. 18: “Compaction Solutions.”