but nothing much came of it, at least not back then. years past and then matt byrd bank who wrote a book on durst called a deadly secret, got a tip from some independent investigators also working the case. a possible connection. there were clinical records that placed durst in the eureka area the day that this girl disappeared. the transaction was just up the coast in trinidad, maybe 20 minutes or so by car. that spot where the witness saw girl picked up on the road in eureka. and then, before the trial on galveston, brett beck heard this at a really good source that was close to the defense team, i was told that durst was extremely concerned about karen mitchell and was so concerned, he thought he was gonna get charged. i brought this up on his own with his defense attorney? yes, and he said bobby, let s worry about one case at a time. not true said dick deguerin. i never had any concern
i hated to have more than a brief conversation with someone, because i immediately found myself being asked, what do you do? the true answer was nothing. i live off the family estate. what was true enough, but it wasn t exactly idle either. said author, matt, who followed the jurors case for over 15 years. and wrote a book about it called, a deadly secret. bob durst was buying other properties, he, said but some of his choices did not seem to make sense. not just homes, we are talking storage facilities and peel boxes. you mean he would buy one storage place? got an address, and it ended up being a storage facility. what is he doing with all of these storage facilities? the main town near trinidad s eureka, where we found bob spent many of time in the secondhand clothing store. primarily for women. i think he wanted to be