Exhibit runs in Tokyo from November 9-20 // The official website for the Ahare! Meisaku-kun anime shorts announced on Friday that the franchise is getting.
4 anime shorts will stream on YouTube // The Ahare! Meisaku-kun anime shorts launched a Makuake crowdfunding campaign project for a new season on Friday, and.
AnimeLog (Anilog) began streaming the anime on its global
AnimeLog describes the series:
Once upon a time, there was a prestigious school called Ryugu Elementary School that produced many famous characters. One day, an ordinary boy named Matsuda Meisaku entered Ryugu Elementary School. Will he be able to graduate from the school as a masterpiece character, surrounded by a lot of strong characters such as Sweetie who is super stupid and high-tension, Musubi who is mad and called Onigiri , Nokio who is a narcissist and calls himself a robot, and Bolt who is obviously faster than a rabbit?
The show premiered in April 2016 during