Kerala High Court has stayed the FIR registered against Prithviraj Sukumaran regarding the alleged copyright infringement of the song Varaharoopam from the movie Kantara. Prithviraj was the distributor of the film in Kerala, and the Single Bench of Justice noticed that the actor was unnecessarily being dragged into it. Kantara: Kerala High Court Stays FIR Against Prithviraj Sukumaran for Copyright Infringement of Song ’Varaharoopam .
Kantara actor and director Rishab Shetty recorded his statement with the Kerala police along with the producer of the movie in relation to a song plagiarism case.
The Supreme Court on Friday relaxed the condition imposed by Kerala High Court that the Kannada movie Kantara should not exhibit the Varaharoopam song.
The Supreme Court of India on Friday granted relief to the makers of Kantara movie allowing the use of the song Varaha Roopam in the movie for the time being.