Los Alamos Pianist John Kang Is New Mexico’s Division Finalist In MTNA Junior Artist Competition - 8:49 am
John Kang, of Los Alamos is New Mexico’s Division Finalist in the MTNA Junior Piano Artist Competition. Courtesy/MTNA
MTNA News:
John Kang, of Los Alamos, has been selected to compete as a Division Finalist in the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Junior Artist Piano Competition.
He earned this opportunity by first winning the Junior Artist Division of the MTNA Statewide competition and will now advance to compete among five other winners from their respective states of Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah.
Montana Campus Compact Honors Student Athlete Volunteers
Montana Campus Compact (MTCC), a seventeen campus higher education network, will be honoring eleven student-athletes, including Montana Western s Mesa King.
Each year Montana Campus Compact recognizes one student-athlete from each MTCC Affiliate Campus across the state who have dedicated their efforts to serving the community while also pursuing their college degrees and certificates while participating in college sports. We are excited to Announce the Following MAIS Award winners for 2020:
Mesa King, UM Western Women’s Basketball
Mesa’s service activities include being the ASA President (Association of Student Athletes), participating in Champions of Character Assemblies, and volunteering for the Bannack State Park clean up.
seduced by money. it happens do have another quick question? the republicans need they can t lose 22 votes. is it 22 or 23 that they need to have against them they re playing on thin ice here, right? they can lose 22 from the latest math counts, they are right about there. the pressure is on a lot ofhe these lawmakers saying they are undecided at this point saying whether they are yes or no and whether they get called out if they are no. if they leave town without doing anything about it. trump could call them back, the president can do that and should do that, i suppose. they re having people floating the idea about whether they should blow up recess and a stay here and have them sit here until they vote on something.
conservative or a republican in d.c. is how you can end up being seduced by money. kimberly: it happens do have another quick question? speak to the republicans need they can t lose 22 votes. is it 22 or 23 that they need to have against them they re playing on thin ice here, right? they can lose 22 from the latest math counts, they are right about there. the pressure is on a lot of these lawmakers saying they are undecided at this point saying whether they are yes or no and whether they get called out if they are no. if they leave town without doing anything about it. bob: trump could call them back, the president can do that and should do that, i suppose. they re having people floating the idea about whether they should blow up recess and a stay here and have them sit here
he s on his way to florida. he will be in north carolina twice this week. i think north carolina s before he gets to florida. north carolina twice. why? let me show you these north carolina numbers. the democrats are running ahead this cycle over republicans. if you look at ballots returned, 43% of the ballots have been returned for democrats. 30% for republicans. now, the democrats are down from 2012 in the percentage but they have a pretty healthy lead on the republicans. here s a fascinating question we won t know the answer to until they re counted. look at these independents or others, much up in north carolina. now, there s a libertarian running for senate in north carolina. not just a libertarian running for president. we have no idea with who these people are and we have no idea who they re voting for but independents and others are very much up higher. but here s a key distinction. african-american turnout in north carolina in the early vote is down 6.3% from 2012. now, democr