Ahead of the Tripura Assembly elections, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) President JP Nadda and Chief Minister Manik Saha released the party's manifesto on
Did THEIR Guru Tegh Bahadur Save OUR Hindu Dharma?
by Vishal Agarwal - Mar 4, 2021 02:31 PM
A Sikh text about the Gurus.
For the Gurus, there was no theirs and ours .
This piece was first published on indiafacts.org.in and is republished here with permission. The full piece with the notes can be read at the link above.
Many Sikhs today treat their religion as
sui generis right from the time of Guru Nanak.
In other words, they hold that Guru Nanak and his 10 successors were Divine Prophets in the Abrahamic mould who were given a unique revelation directly by the Lord.