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Following its official launch, the new Learn at Home audio e-learning platform will provide free, online, and unlimited learning access to more than 100 million Nigerian youths.
This first-of-its-kind audio e-learning platform will offer unlimited access based on the national mobile phone penetration, low-data, and basic featurephone requirements. The platform is a continuum of Data Science Nigeria’s successful ‘LearnatHome’ initiative, in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, that provided learning to millions of Nigerian pupils amid the COVID-19 disruptive restrictions. Learn at Home is based on an inclusive e-learning approach. It is designed to eliminate the barriers of internet access (data) cost and over-dependency on expensive smartphones in the delivery of locally relevant, convenient, and inexpensive access to quality education.
, 3,000 children in Lagos and Abuja will receive free COVID-19 safety packs containing the educational book, “There is a new virus in town,” written by Raquel Daniel, founder of Beyond the Classroom Foundation.
The world over, even in countries with increased resources for better case management, the number of active COVID-19 infections is rising and many African countries, including Nigeria, are now experiencing the second wave of the pandemic.
According to the founder of Beyond the Classroom Foundation,
Raquel Daniel,
“children are now more likely than adults to be the ones bringing a COVID-19 infection into their homes. While we wait for the vaccine, physical distancing and the use of face masks have proven to be the most effective measures against the spread of COVID-19 and should be reinforced.”