Italy is considering a new law which will profoundly redefine the country's geographical-administrative organisation making it more federal, like Spain or Belgium. But is it the League's plan for a separate north, refurbished?
In January 2023, the escape clause triggered to suspend the rules of the Stability and Growth Pact will expire, possibly forcing painful fiscal adjustments in countries that are already struggling with the impact of the pandemic. In this second column in a two-part series, the authors focus on the debt management aspect of their proposal to strengthen the European fiscal
Con Chiara Goretti a Palzzo Chigi, l'Ufficio parlamentare di bilancio resta amputato oltre che scaduto da un anno e mezzo. I veti incrociati dei partiti impediscono la nomina, ma con la sessione di bilancio già avviata non avere un fiscal council legittimato è un grave vulnus istituzionale