The makers of the film organized a mega pre-release event in Hyderabad which Nandamuri Balakrishna attended as a guest. All is well until the camera crew spots an empty water bottle, which is a see-through one, filled with liquor, allegedly. In addition, the veterans excitedly weird behaviour with both actresses, especially Anjali received severe criticism and flak.
Mass Ka Das Vishwak Sen's Gangs of Godavari is finally hitting the screens on May 31st after many postponements. The team celebrated a prerelease today
Mass Ka Das Vishwak Sen is increasingly growing his fame with his versatility and committed performances. Now, he is coming up with an intense gangster
Neha Shetty, the stunning and talented actress impressing audience with her acting prowess and beauty. She shot to fame with “DJ Tillu” and ever since that blockbuster happened to her career, she’s not looking back in Tollywood. Neha Shetty continued the success of "DJ Tillu" with the films "Bedurulanka 2012" and "Rules Ranjann" this year. The actress has been chose while