hoover institute fellow and author of battleground, the fight to defend the world. all right. so, general, we had petraeus on last night. and he said it s a race against the clock. he said the sanctions are so devastating that the economy in russia could collapse and that could bring a halt to russia s war machine. do you see that in the same way or do you think putin has a little bit longer to go here? well, sadly, i think he has ally with the longer to go, jesse. and, you know, of course he is running out of options. right? he thought this was going to be easy. he thought he could do it in a few days. he thought the ukrainians believed his own propaganda and disinformation, which you just covered so well. and so what s he left with? he is left with this follows kind of the playbook of the russians. i mean they have enabled serial episodes of mass homicide in the syrian civil war.
Alex Jones talks about mass intentional homicide in the community in the January 10 episode of "The Pete Santilli Show," where he shared that the medical-industrial complex "is [.]
The World Health Organization noted that Europe has observed a rise in the number of coronavirus cases for the third week in a row. The situation comes as the supply of vaccines dwindles among poorer countries with officials urging wealthy countries to cut down on their use of vaccines.