In partnership with the library of congress, cspan brings you books that shaped america. In this program, mark twains adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Written as a sequel, the book is often called the Great American novel. In the book Huckleberry Finn he escapes down the Mississippi River. Along the way they encounter steamships. Mark twain used a number of dialects and colloquial expressions to go straight light along the mississippi, satire, hypocrisy and racism. Since the publication, Huckleberry Finn has been controversial and relevant. Welcome to books that shaped america, a series that looks at how books have influenced we are today. In partnership with the library of congress, the series is exploring different viewpoints and we are glad you are joining us. So far, we looked at foundations of expansion, slavery and the legal system. Tonight, we travel along the Mississippi River and explore a book called one of the Great American novels. Published in 1884, itas controversial from
In partnership with the library of congress, cs that explorespa keys literature that had a profound impact on the country. In this program mark twains adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Written as a sequel to the adventures of tom sawyer, mark twains adventures of parco perry finn is called the Great American novel. In the books, huck finn steals away from the civilizing influence of the widow douglas and his alcoholic father. Byandby he joins up with jim and they make their way down the Mississippi River, along the way they encounter steamships, rival clans, swindlers and murderers. Told through the eyes of an adolescent huck, mark twain used a number of dialects and colloquial cool expressions to illustrate life along the mississippi in the 18 80s. Satire to highlight the hypocrisy and racism of the time. Since its publication in 1880 four, adventures of Huckleberry Finn has been continually controversial and relevant. Both a bestseller and a band book. Welcome to books that shaped amer
Danger, well, i must say that it is quite possible that in the near future the first results of the investigation will be known, although it has already become known, which means that weather conditions were precisely the reason the crash of a helicopter on board which carried the iranian president , the ambassador of the Islamic Republic in belarus in minsk said this, and as if, in principle, this version was put forward as one of the most important topics, that is, by the specialists who are involved in this matter, but thats all. Well one way or another it will happen initiated, that is, people will observe accordingly, a special commission will be created, which will, say , monitor the main aspects of the provisions of what actually happened, because this is of course a highprofile case, ibrahim reisi, let the president of iran be there this means such a second person in the hierarchy state system of iran and of course its death is a blow to the Iranian State system as such, and na
Could receive fees equal to his salary for a vaccine or testing kit, thus distorting incentives in medicine. Why share information about a new disease if you can save it as intellectual property in order to monetize it later, one way or another we released a film, there were rumors of olende and diseaselay. Year, he did the strangest thing in his entire crazy career, that is, he dropped poisonous ticks on cubans working on sugar cane plantations. The operation was called mongoose. So this was the first evidence that we were introducing ticks into another country as a biological weapon. And one more thing one of of my director friends, turned to willeburgdorfer, at the end of a very long interview he said yes, when i was researching lyme disease in the late seventies, early eighties, there was another organism, not only did the lyme pathogen cause diseases in people, it was, and i was told to hide it, it was probably ricketti, he did not reveal all the information, but what he said was
You have the nasdaq up by almost 9 treasury yields are a little weaker t tenyear yield at 4. 814 . And openai will have a product Conference Announcement today. Sam altman said they will not launch a Search Engine, but working hard on new stuff they think people will love and feels like magic to me according to people close to the information. This Technology Rolls Image Recognition into one product for advanced Voice Assistant and separately or maybe not separately, you will see how things are coming together apple nearing agreement to use openai and its technology on the next generation iphone to allow apple to offer the chatbot as part of the features that are coming next month. The big issue there, by the way, to understand all of this, openai is now processing all of its queries in the cloud apple, for privacy reasons, is to query all with siri and on the device processed on device. The question is going to be is there a clever way with some of the Openai Technology ends up being