Mason Daring
1. for those of us who simply had no truck with Trump, we are about to be deprived of an enemy – he’s not really going anywhere, but seeing as how he was the monster in our thoughts for so long, I think we are going to miss the dread and horror of his daily tantrums … imagine a world where eventually we watch an entire half-hour of the evening news, and nowhere in it do we hear his name – that day is coming. He will drift off into the slipstream of Newsmax, the new replacement for Fox news folks, who have their own problem: do they try to abandon any pretense at credibility to cater to Trump’s base, or do they actually try and compete head-to-head with the other major networks as reliable journalists? Or will there be an attempt to report right-of-center news to whoever abandons Trump to take up the clarion call of the New Republican party?