well, he was making sure things are all good up there in delaware. while licking ice cream cones and maskless bike rides. how dare he as crisis after crisis explodes under his leadership. or non-leadership. don t worry, vice president giggle was on the case. you would figure root causes kamala would be posted up in port-au-prince, figuring out the real problems in haiti. but, instead, she was wandering around the 50-yard line at a football game in washington, d.c., flipping coins. heads the citizens of bidenville stay. tails they go. so it s obvious we can t count on the white house to fix this crisis. but, luckily, our democrat led congress is doing something about it. they spent last week building a wall, putting the national guard on stand by and gathering the entire national media so everyone could see what was happening. not on the border. but, instead, outside the u.s.