the federalist. emily, let us start with you. what do you think this attack on what is known as traditional masculinity is all about? the apa specifically names in their definition of traditional masculinity competitiveness, stoicism, all qualities i think a lot of young women like myself and women of all ages really probably find attractive, compelling, and i think it is sad that the apa lends its authority as an institution and its credibility as an institution to these guidelines which are steeped in language, really a fourth wave feminism. lots of hand at intersection malady, there is talk of privilege and all of these different buzzwords. and there is actually short on substance and the substance that is there is attempting to apologize things like stoicism in men. laura: i m really trying to understand this. traditional masculinity seems to be, in this report, conflated
emily, let us start with you. what do you think this attack on what is known as traditional masculinity is all about? the apa specifically names in their definition of traditional masculinity competitiveness, stoicism, all qualities i think a lot of young women like myself and women of all ages really probably find attractive, compelling, and i think it is sad that the apa lends its authority as an institution and its credibility as an institution to these guidelines which are steeped in language, really a fourth wave feminism. lots of hand at intersection malady, there is talk of privilege and all of these different buzzwords. and there is actually short on substance and the substance that is there is attempting to apologize things like stoicism in men. laura: i m really trying to understand this. traditional masculinity seems to be, in this report, conflated with being a pig or a creep or a