In the summer of 1988, a meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Diet Affairs Committee was wrapping up as usual without incident, when a member, Masayoshi Takemura, raised his hand.
Forty-two companies of fire fighters of Tokyo gathered at the Uyeno [an old spelling of Ueno] Park yesterday morning for the New Year review which is one of the customary New Year programme observed all over the country.
Early in the morning over two thousand fire fighters gathered at their respective company quarters and marched to Uyeno Park. At 10 o’clock the formal review was held by Mr. K. Oka, chief of the metropolitan police, and Mr. Ogata, superintendent of Tokyo Fire Companies. Firemen who had shown special ability during the past year were called to receive special prizes and congratulation. Eight received honourary mention for discovering fires and 20 for special service in fighting fires. Old timers were also fittingly honoured, among them being one who served in the department more than 50 years, two more than 45 years and two over 40 years.