With Friday marking one year since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, calls have been mounting for Japan, this year's chair of the Group of Seven countries, to take the lead in global support for Kyiv, including postwar reconstruction. Foreign affairs experts have also urged Japan, the only nation to have been…
Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii is completing his tenure, during which he helped deliver a number of major milestones in the relations between the two countries. He received The Jakarta Post’s Dian Septiari on Monday to discuss these achievements. The following are excerpts of the interview.
Question: What have Indonesia and Japan achieved together after more than 60 years of relationship?
I think we have many things, like infrastructure building. While I have been here, the MRT was launched after many years. We are about to soft-launch Patimban Port, while discussion is ongoing for the Jakarta-Surabaya railway and all the other infrastructure projects.