SQUATTER S DREAMS COME TRUE! Sibonelo Zwane Housing MMC Mlungisi Mabaso at Jerusalem squatter camp near Florida yesterday. Photos by Morapedi Mashashe.
IN an attempt to decongest Jerusalem informal settlement in Florida, City of Joburg MMC for Housing Mlungisi Mabaso visited the area on Thursday, 1 July.
He said their aim was to move residents to an area where they could provide services for them.
“We can’t provide dwellers with lights, water or roads when shacks are too close to one another and overpopulated,” he said.
Mabaso said this was a solution to address the housing backlog in the country.
“We’re far behind with providing housing for people. So why not provide them with land where they can build their own structures. Those who can afford to can do it. We’ll then come back to check on those who don’t have the means and build RDPs for them.”