In a statement to Maryland Matters, CareFirst said it is “advocating for reasonable compensation terms that set a foundation for affordable, accessible healthcare in our shared communities.”
BALTIMORE — MedChi, the Maryland State Medical Society, recently applauded Governor Larry Hogan for declaring August as Immunization Awareness Month in Maryland and urges residents to speak with their physician
In a move that doctors say will expand health care access for low-income Marylanders, physicians will begin to receive the same payment rates for treating Medicaid patients as they do Medicare patients, starting in July. The increased Medicaid reimbursement rates, which were included in Gov. Larry Hogan’s supplemental budget for fiscal year 2023, has been .
Maryland’s hospitals went into the 2022 legislative session searching for solutions to the local and national health care workforce shortage and came out with $80 million and a number of “key wins,” lobbyists said. Divided between $30 million allocated to hospital workforce recruitment and retention in the governor’s initial budget and $50 million in .