Twin brothers Eric and Greg Levesque don t like to make too much of their identical genetic makeups or any mythic kinship that may have propelled their decision to launch a business together.
U.S. companies are losing as much as $600 billion every year through intellectual property misuse. Strider has built a software platform that’s arming clients with strategic intelligence.
U.S. companies are losing as much as $600 billion every year through intellectual property misuse. Strider has built a software platform that’s arming clients with strategic intelligence.
The company appears to align with DataTribe's approach: The cyber "foundry" typically seeks to work with technologists who have experience inside the intelligence community or federal labs, and build commercial companies alongside them.
The company appears to align with DataTribe's approach: The cyber "foundry" typically seeks to work with technologists who have experience inside the intelligence community or federal labs, and build commercial companies alongside them.