After over a year of distance learning and more than seven months into the current school year, La Jolla’s five public schools in the San Diego Unified School District welcomed most of their students back to campus April 12 as the district reopened from closures triggered by COVID-19.
In La Jolla, 2,237 students chose to return to campuses in the hybrid model, Merino said at the April 15 meeting of the La Jolla Cluster Association, which is composed of parent and staff representatives from each cluster school.
The district’s hybrid system offers students two or four days a week of in-person learning, depending on the school.
An email sent to the La Jolla High School community by its PTSA president sharing how people opposed to ongoing school closures and those who want to continue distance learning could make their feelings known angered some parents who claim it was an inappropriate use of the organization’s email list.
The email, sent March 12 by Sharon Miller, head of the Parent Teacher Student Association, contained the subject line “LJHS PTSA - Local rallies to open schools” and included graphics promoting a March 13 rally at San Diego’s Waterfront Park and a “Back to School March” planned for March 15 “in front of your local school.”
SDUSD ‘eager’ to reopen but is focused on safety, trustee says, as several parents support continued closures
The La Jolla Cluster Association of public schools discussed campus reopening during its Feb. 18 meeting.
(Elisabeth Frausto)
Feb. 19, 2021 4:50 PM PT
“We are eager to open the schools,” San Diego Unified School District board member Mike McQuary told the La Jolla Cluster Association at its Feb. 18 meeting as many parents voice differing opinions on how soon that should happen.
The association is composed of parent and staff representatives from the five La Jolla public schools in San Diego Unified.
The district remains closed to regular in-person instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with small groups of at-risk students invited to campuses for appointment-based learning or supervised learning labs.