is exactly a crisis pregnancy center? what goes on in these things that is so dangerous to elizabeth warren? she wants the government to shut them down. so for better episodes. tucker carlson, sayonra we spokd the founder of a crisis pregnancy center and she told a lot about what she does.s. and honestly, it made us emotional hearing about it. here s part of the interview . they re going through a lot inab order to have that baby . why are they doing that? because they ve lost their baby. i mean, it s really thatt simple. their baby if they re seeking out the services, if c they come to us , we re not standing out on the streets pulling women in. you know, they re they re reaching out. they ret looking for us . and at the end of the day, i think in 16 years i ve never had a woman tell me that s come through mary shelter that she s regretted having her child really never.r: not ever. but i have had women cry in my arms who have had past abortions and have really, yourt
By Julia Bertino
Jan 26, 2021
(Rock Island County, IL) A woman accused in a fatal December stabbing in East Moline has pleaded not guilty.
According to online court records, 21 year old Precious Sims appeared in Rock Island County Circuit Court on Tuesday via video arraignment and waived her right to a preliminary hearing. During a preliminary hearing, a judge heard testimony to determine whether there is enough probable cause to move the case forward. Judges don t determine a defendant’s guilt or innocence at these hearings.
Sims will be back in court February 12th for a pretrial conference, with a trial tentatively scheduled for March 1st. Sims and her co-defendant, 60 year old Kerry Clark, are charged with first-degree murder and possession of a stolen motor vehicle. Clark, who is representing himself, has also pleaded not guilty.