sick & weak, but in perfect memory, not knowing how soone
I may end the dayes of my weary pilgrimage; doe constitute
this my Last will and testament for y e disposal of what I
shall leave behind me as followeth.
I give my ten younger children
thirty pound in mony
their parts should be payd a moneth after my decease: that which
belongs to the unmarryed my will is it should be in their mothers
hand to be kept for them till they come to age capable.
Item I give to my son
Sam: Church
after my decease.
Philip Shattack the one half of my farme
HAMILTON, ONTARIO – Local libertarian Charles Whorley reportedly interjected into a public conversation about vegetables and produce today, confused as to what the subject matter had to do with the age of consent. “Look, I get what you’re saying, but I don’t understand what that has to do with Canada’s federal age of consent being […]