“The Whale” plays at the M.V. Film Center on Friday, Feb. 3. It is the fictional story about the life of a morbidly obese man named Charlie, played by Brendan Fraser. More than that, the film signifies the story of how each of our inadequacies can betray us. Fraser plays Charlie in a fat suit, […]
Director Darren Aronofsky waited years to find an actor to play a grossly overweight teacher in The Whale. When he found his Charlie, there were chills.
Director Darren Aronofsky waited years to find an actor to play a grossly overweight teacher in The Whale. When he found his Charlie, there were chills.
THE WHALE. It is an easy, reductive, even dismissive temptation to qualify Darren Aronofsky's work as "difficult" or "challenging." Ambitious? Polarizing? Indubitably. But in referring.