Wow! What a change in the weather. Sunny skies and a light breeze make a perfect Maine summer day, exploring our coastal region is always an adventure. We took advantage of a beautiful day last Sunday and headed out to Damariscove Island, once home.
Saturday, Aug. 5, was a busy day in Sprucewold, beginning with the annual meetings of both the Linekin Heights Association and the Sprucewold Association in the morning, and concluding in the evening with the Sprucewold potluck picnic at 5:30. The.
Missouri’s Ozark Mountains are known for their lush wilderness and popular tourist destinations. But what about the food? Like much of Ozark culture, the cuisine remains deeply misunderstood and shrouded in stereotypes. From deep in the forest to upscale restaurants, these food lovers are preserving the Ozarks' past and charting its future.