Muskegon Boys and Girls Club buys Lakeshore Fitness Center, promises access for community
Updated Feb 26, 2021;
Posted Feb 26, 2021
Children hold onto the pool wall during a swimming lesson at the Muskegon Family YMCA in 2009. (Cory Morse | file)
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MUSKEGON, MI – The Boys and Girls Club of the Muskegon Lakeshore has revealed itself as the anonymous buyer of the Lakeshore Fitness Center, seeking to renovate and use the facility as its youth and teen clubhouse.
The club last week submitted a $1.17 million purchase offer for the facility, which is currently owned by Muskegon Community College. The nonprofit initially did not reveal itself as the buyer because its board of directors needed to approve the agreement, which happened this week.
Anonymous nonprofit offers to buy costly community fitness center from Muskegon college
Updated Feb 17, 2021;
Posted Feb 17, 2021
In a 5-2 vote, the Muskegon Community College Board of Trustees permanently closed the Lakeshore Fitness Center on May 1. (MLive File Photo)Lynn Moore,
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MUSKEGON, MI – An anonymous Muskegon-area nonprofit has submitted an offer to purchase the Lakeshore Fitness Center from Muskegon Community College.
The facility has long been a financial challenge for college leaders. In May, expensive maintenance and operational costs forced the college to close the facility.
Muskegon attorney Chris McGuigan, former director of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County, submitted an offer on behalf of the unnamed group to the MCC Board of Trustees during its Wednesday, Feb. 17 meeting.