Crisis centers provide care to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The orgs have various lines of funding, and how much they'll be impacted by cuts in federal funding varies.
Clarification: This headline was updated to better reflect that the money for the Safe Passage shelter is still a proposal and not guaranteed. DeKALB – As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, Rep. Lauren Underwood made a proposal to address the domestic violence and sexual assault health crisis in DeKalb County. On April.
DeKALB – As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, Rep. Lauren Underwood made a proposal to address the domestic violence and sexual assault health crisis in DeKalb County. On April 17, Underwood announced proposals for the Community Project Funding program, including $2.5 million to Safe Passage. Safe Passage would use this money to.
DeKALB – As Sexual Assault Awareness Month comes to a close, Rep. Lauren Underwood made a proposal to address the domestic violence and sexual assault health crisis in DeKalb County. On April 17, Underwood announced proposals for the Community Project Funding program, including $2.5 million to Safe Passage. Safe Passage would use this money to.
Safe Passage, DeKalb-based domestic violence survivor and advocacy shelter, recently requested $2.5 million in federal aid to help pay for its new 24/7 emergency shelter, a proposal now backed by U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood.