someone is lying. the only question is this is it joe, or is it hunter? the house ways and means i committes ite obtained a july 3, 2017 whatsapp message betweenese hunter biden and cfc china energy offician l henry zell. watch what hunter wrote. hu s kind of hard to reah whdat becausnte hunter has a pretty od way of texting. i wonder why. i wonder what he was on. i m sitting here with my fatherd and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled. tell the director that i would love the dirr to resolve this e it gets out of and now means to night and z. a if i get a call or text from anyone involved in this other than using or the chairman, i will make certain thatxt t between the man sitting next to me and every person he knoweo and my ability to forever hold h a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting herefo, wait for it, waiting for the call with my father. sounds like a shakedown. three references to h
And for Laura Ingraham and this is a Special Edition of the Ingraham Angle from New York City tonight. Have what we saw Last Night Shoulde S Have Solidifieagd the message that democrats shouldnt just be scared. They should be terrified. The bronx is supposed to be a major democrat stronghold. Remember, biden got 84. 4 of the vote and yet thousands flocked to see one man, donald j. Trump. I believe that we can win york state be at levels of support that nobodys seen befor, looke i mean, look at this. Our country is going to be very. Successful and people are going to come together. He hahe has the guts to comeafd and show that he does. Hes not afraid. T tahes afraid to come to a democratic and show that hes here fos r us. Pro we must Work Together as a team to win. You are proud patriotspatriots. You love this. You love this city, you love this state, and you love our countr its ly you live in a blue city, but its going red very, very quickly. Igh can can you imagine biden getting a cro
senators in delaware, was shocked when she probeddeal the plea deal. this judge asked pr the prosecutors five times if there was any pressingif there e for a plea deal that gave hunter full immunity fro m any charges in his past or arising from any investigation the ng forward. and the delaware prosecutor said, quote, no, your honodelawe r, this was crafted to suit yes.facts and circumstances. yes, the circumstances. g th the circumstances being that his father could end up in prison couldso, too. the what stunned the judge even more. nwas it the defense? and the prosecution hidthe de the detailtas of the deal from her? quote, i don t understandother how you have an agreement not to pursue other charges in the case. chthe misdemeanor case.u sa and you say that is not part of his plea agreement and youeve th won t believe the prosecutor s answer becausee the plea agreement does not include that
accounts could be offshore. is that why the ukrainians said to take ten years to find joe s 10 million? maybe so. t his so biden might love his son, but this is more than about love. this is about political survival. this to get this sleazy immunity deal because if he doesn t and this investigation continues, joe biden is going to get impeached. if you follow the mone y. t a that s why this wasn t a plea deal at all. it was at all. a full pardon at. the deal broke every sentencing guideline on the books. no wonder hunter walked into courwonder ht with a smile on h, according to the new york times . he eve n shook the hands ofo spent the prosecutors who spent five years investigating him. what defendant reachesm. across the table and shakes the hands with the prosecution. now prime time got our hands on the court hearing transcript. n this judge, mary ellen noriega, who, by the way, is donatedpublc to republicans and democrats and whose appointment was signed offandemocrs by both
delaware? so that s the million dollar the tion. at the core of the blow up yesterday was the fact that instead of putting thisnonpro non-prosecution agreement into the plea agreementsento, as any other prosecutor would in any other case, they tried to hide the non-prosecution agreement, which granted essentially blanket immunity to hunter for his decade of criminality. they tried to hide that inrate d a separate document that they never expected would see the light of day. that s how you know that they re worried about how the judge is going to treat the kind of deal that they struce kik. y at the end of the day, a federal district court judge sitting in supervisionralt over a plea agreement has a duty to make sure thats a duty the ends of justice are satisfied that the plea agreement doesn t do violence to the cause of justice. and in my view, that sthe caus of plea agreement that they struck. and they were terrified rightfully were te so, that jude just wasn t going to have it. sh