December 22, 1943 - February 9, 2021
Milton, WI - Gloria Ann Bollerud, age 77, departed this life on Tuesday, February 9, 2021, at home. Her loving family was at her side and she passed with peace, grace, dignity, and love to the next life. She was born in Janesville at Mercy Hospital on December 22, 1943, the daughter of Joseph Jerome and Mary Catherine (Hopper) Link. Gloria attended and graduated with the last 9th grade class at St. Patrick Catholic School in 1959, and Janesville Senior High School in June 1962. She later graduated from Marvel Accredited Beauty Culture in Milwaukee as a cosmetologist in July 1963. From there she went on to work at Mary-Grace Beauty shop and later Kathy s Korner Beauty Shop, Janesville. Gloria was united in marriage to Rodney Martin Bollerud on Saturday, September 7, 1968 in a noon nuptial High Mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church with Rev. Howard Finnegan officiating.