martha: mrs. hemmer calls in the morning before the show which is good. playing the blame game on the campaign trail. we ve seen a lot of this last couple days. is herman cain the victim of a smear campaign? we will debate that. bill: good question for mary catherine ham. also this, israel living under the constant threat from iran. the jewish state could be considering an act of war against the islamic republican? what s happening there. so who ordered the cereal that can help lower olesterol and who ordered the yummy cereal? yummy. [ woman ] lower cholesterol. [ man 2 ] yummy. i got that wrong didn t i? [ male announcer ] want great taste and whole gin oats that can help lower cholesterol? honey nut cheerios.
pointing the finger at rick perry s camp. is that the right strategy in dealing with all this or what is the best strategy? mary catherine ham on that coming up. martha: a mayor decides that her city council meetings are getting a bit out of hand. she decides to ban clapping. you have to hear this one. clap on, clap off. clap on, clap off. the clapper. clap on, clap off. clap on, clap off, the clapper. welcome idaho, where they grow america s favorite potoes. everyone knows idaho potatoes taste great. but did you know they reood for you too? they re high in vitamins and potassium. and idaho potatoes are now certified to carry the heart checkmark from the american heart assoction for foods low in saturated fat and cholesterol. so they re good for my family, and for yours.
compromise that can get through the democratic process, what they re saying is that we ll blow up the country if you don t listen to us. we ll hold hostage the credit of the united states, the good standing of the united states, and we ll blow it up. now, bernie goldberg will have more on that coming up. but the bottom line is this. massive pressure had to be put on the obama administration, and the democrats in order to get anything done on spending cuts. and you can call it extortion. you can call it whatever you want. and the truth is that we need far more discipline in federal spending and total reform, total reform of the tax code. and that is a memo. coming up next arks nal sis from newt gingrich, bernie gold bern, juan williams and mary catherine ham. best debt coverage anywhere continues on the factor in just a moment.
compromise that can get through the democratic process, what they re saying is that we ll blow up the country if you don t listen to us. we ll hold hostage the credit of the united states, the good standing of the united states, and we ll blow it up. now, bernie goldberg will have more on that coming up. but the bottom line is this. massive pressure had to be put on the obama administration, and the democrats in order to get anything done on spending cuts. and you can call it extortion. you can call it whatever you want. and the truth is that we need far more discipline in federal spending and total reform, total reform of the tax code. and that is a memo. coming up next arks nal sis from newt gingrich, bernie gold bern, juan williams and mary catherine ham. best debt coverage anywhere continues on the factor in just a moment.
through the democratic process, what they re saying is that we ll blow up the country if you don t listen to us. we ll hold hostage the credit of the united states, the good standing of the united states, and we ll blow it up. now, bernie goldberg will have more on that coming up. but the bottom line is this. massive pressure had to be put on the obama administration, and the democrats in order to get anything done on spending cuts. and you can call it extortion. you can call it whatever you want. and the truth is that we need far more discipline in federal spending and total reform, total reform of the tax code. and that is a memo. coming up next arks nal sis from newt gingrich, bernie gold bern, juan williams and mary catherine ham. best debt coverage anywhere continues on the factor in just a moment. thanks to the venture card from capital one, we get double miles on every purchase, so me and the boys earned a trip to dc twice as fast!