Opelika, Ala.: All the stars aligned. Donovan Mitchell longed to join his hometown Knicks, and they had 11 first-round draft choices to dangle. The Hallmark moment appeared inevitable until it wasn’t. The Cleveland Cavaliers eschewed bombast. Instead, they identified their guy and got him. Give the Cavs an A for boldness.
Bronx: When I first heard about the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the first thing I thought about was Patrick J. Buchanan’s book, “The Death of the West.” In it, Buchanan expresses “how dying populations and immigrant invasions imperil our country and civilization,” and how places like Texas and California have been taken over by Spanish-speaking people “without firing a shot.”
Medford, L.I.: Nothing better illustrates the cesspool of corruption that has permeated Albany better than former Lt. Gov. Brian Benjamin resigning over an alleged bribery rap. And yet, despite this damning scandal that should ruin anyone’s political career, Benjamin’s name will remain on the June primary ballot as a legitimate contender.
Forest Hills: To Vidal Guzman re “Being imprisoned shouldn’t mean being enslaved” (op-ed, Jan. 17): For you to have been charged as an adult at the age of 16 tells me that you committed a very serious crime. For you to have been moved to another facility upstate and held in solitary confinement for 905 days there tells me that you were far from a model prisoner.