The Guadalupe Union School District on Wednesday hosted its annual Reclassification Celebration, recognizing nearly 60 English learner students who have attained proficiency in English.
| 3:24 p.m.
Source: WaveComm SB
United Way of Santa Barbara County’s (UWSBC) annual Fun in the Sun (FITS) summer learning program returns June 21-July 30, and is now accepting applications for staff and local students to participate.
The free six-week program will address summer learning loss and COVID-19 learning loss through academic and social emotional programming.
UWSBC anticipates having an in-person program at all six sites depending on COVID-19 mandates. Students will engage in academic rotations focused on literacy and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math), as well as participate in social, emotional and mental wellness activities.
Should COVID-19 conditions worsen, UWSBC will provide a virtual program.