Mary Brengel worked for Guy Banister for a short period in 1963. In May 1967, she wrote Jim Garrison a letter offering to be interviewed about her knowledge of what went on in Banister s office. Here is her letter to Jim Garrison:
Here is my transcription (please help fill in the blanks):
Dear Mr. Garrison:
I am aware from the publication in the newspapers + his picture, with an arrow pointing to his office door, that Guy Banister may possibly figure somewhere in the case you are building.
I worked in his office from the latter part of October until about the 10th of December, 1963, during which occurred several rather strange or unexplained (to me) things (however much associated with Cubans). If you feel that anything I might tell you should help [..} I would appreciate talking with you confidentially - though naturally I would like to stay away from the limelight.