Theres something elemental about speaking the story that puts it to a different task. Narrators bring stories to life in countless ways. The works of shakespeare, toni morrison, Jason Reynolds and Michelle Obama are ace are richer experience heard rather than silent we read. Because of an intimate experience youre not performing per se. You are narrating it. And constantly listening and now get out my iphone and make a recording of someone that might have some characteristic. I feel like its less of myself as a poet who performs and now its myself being let me hold your hand and tell you this thing i heard was so inviting people but its in a different way. If i dont give everybody the utmost respect and understanding and compassion and the im not doing justice to this book. Studies have shown that listening to audiobooks is a more Emotional Experience and tories shared through other mediums. Its not a movie. Its not a book but it has the best of both worlds. Its a very intimate form of