owners. there are 12 merchants there. we are doing fine, but now with a new shopping center coming, we need your help to make sure that we can coexist and survive. that includes the road at park merced, that they want to build from 19th avenue, but we need more help than that as possible. they re going to take a bus stop in front of our shopping center that brings a lot of people, use that boston out use that bus stop. we would like to see that relocated. we would like directions to our shopping center on this big property. and we just really need your help. our future is in your hands. thank you. president miguel: thank you. the other one, bernie. ok, thank you. thank you for your endurance. there are two points to the performance analysis that need to be revised. one is we have made alternative proposals which have not been responded to for resident ownership of the project, second, there is the general plan compliance that protect social equity, which is your duty to c
19th year of living in park merced. i have read all of the e.i.r., attended just about every informational meeting and hearing. i have weighed the pros and cons of a long-term vision and after speaking with various stake holders, i m in support of the long-term vision. while i love for park merced to remain the same, i realize that would not be economically viable, nor environmentally sound. i also raise my three daughters in park merced as a single parent and a middle school science and math teacher in san francisco unified. my salary, i can never afford to buy a home in the city where i was born. and where i i hope to live for all of my life and until i die and so i need a rent controlled apartment. i also have a 26-year-old handicapped daughter who gets no assistance from the government. and i fear that if this plan does not go forward, that that park merced will not be a viable place and will will parcel off. thank you. good evening. i m elizabeth keith, i m o