new taxes, and despite the effect of accounting practices to hide the true cost of this bill, it appears that we have run out of money in washington because we are imposing unprecedented and on constitutional mandates on our state. i guess this might be the last votes of my congressional career. as i resume my full-time activity to become the governor of the great state of georgia that i will cast my vote in opposition of this bill. if my if this bill becomes law and i am successful in my undertaking, i will make sure that the people of my state are not subjected to the unconstitutional mandate and that my state is not subject to this. i know that i am not alone. yester day, 38 states indicated that they would join in suing the challenge of the constitutionality of the statute. talent to join me in a note. the gentleman s time has expired. the gentleman from california is recognized. . minutes. mr. wax pan: mr. waxman: this is a historic moment. this is a moment presi
extend their remarks and insert extraneous material in the record. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. waxman: madam speaker, i yield to the majority leader of the house of representatives, the gentleman from maryland, mr. hoyer, one minute. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from maryland is recognized for one minute. mr. hoyer: i thank my friend for yielding. today is march 21, 2010. on march 21, 1945, martin luther king jr. led a march across the he had monday pettis bridge across the edmon pettis bridge. it was a march across that bridge towards a greater freedom for many americans. it was a march for a better quality of life for many americans. indeed, it was a march across the bridge for freedom and a better realization of the promise of our democracy. today, march 21, 2010, we will cross another bridge. it is not a physical bridge but it is a bridge that too many americans find that they cannot cross, a river that separates them from the