and there was infanticide at scale to the western mind. therw the whole thing was repugnant and alien. but maybe the most un-american thing about the chinese, one child policy was a policya h itself. the idea that government could ment cf into the moste deta intimate details ofilof your private life struck most americans at a gut levell as incomprehensible. the whole point of america was to avoid plans like that. the whole point of america is personal freedom. that s where the country was founded. what you do in private on your own time, with your own money i within the boundaries of the law wanesss your own busines and nobody else s business wasn foundational point. and on that question, therequesi appeared to be thankon god , bipartisan agreement. conservatives believed in the bill of rights. liberals believed in personal choice. my body, my choice, they said government out of our personal ths. didn they said thatt for decades now we know they didn t mean it turns out th
i actually i work for a martin transport, bought my eggs and im put them in the cooler and i just reach down, get them man man. keepp on track o and get. their protein. well, what s the reaction of people when you give them freeni eggs? oh, they re like, oh, thank you. my enemy is my, my close neighbors.give t he if they want them, i ll give them free eggs. so it s like a thank you fornoi. putting up with the chicken . always.y rooste yeah. how many roosters? act uhua, actually , i ve got three roosters. yeah, that s that s a lot, that s a lot of roosters. i think what we ve learned in these two interviews back to back is there are a lot of really great people still left in this country. and stephen gill, your serviceie ,thank you for joiningpeople us tonight. bless you for giving away. yes, sir. ank you thank you, sir. thank you, sir. thank you.
/PRNewswire/ According to Technavio, the global tank trucking market size is estimated to decline by USD 97.06 billion from 2022 to 2027. The market is.