i have a lot of problems with the president s domestic programs, from the beginning because of a small democrat. there were so many people that were excited about this president, about this man, about the belief that washington could change. one of my conservatives i ll so co-conservative friends i don t have many conservative friends anymore. they get upset with me because i talked about how inspired i was on the day of the president s inauguration. even if i didn t love his policy. 2 million people waving flags. this event every bit as historic as martin luther king s march on washington. i kept saying boy i hope this bubble doesn t burst. how much do you think for the same of america. not for the sake of this
julie: you can catch glenn beck. he will be on for an exclusive interview on fox news sunday. that is tomorrow with chris wallace. gregg: another major event, al sharpton holding a reclaim the dream rally. this 47th anniversary of the march on washington and martin luther king s i have a dream speech. leading a march where a memorial to dr. king is being built. when we announced this gathering they said to me why go to school because we mud mus close the education gap. later they told me that others are going to be at the mall. they are going to be standing where dr. king stood. well, they may have the mall, but we have the message.
houses and cars. that stalls the inevitable. i wish everybody would leave everything alone and find bottom and then we ll turn back up. we have so many decades of great economy. we will get there. julie: it s a good thing that consumers of become savers but at the same time we need consumers to spend but you say it s not going to change overnight. could washington help sore it too late? i think we have a cultural shift. for many years we had people spending like crazy and now credit card debt is going down big time right now. the savings rate is going up. once we hit the financial crisis wait a minute i don t have a dime in the bank. i have to change my ways. short term, it is not a good thing. longer term, it s the best thing that people have money in the bank and can dip into it instead of hitting a credit card.
talking on thursday and he l and said basically right now republicans are in such a good position electric forly because of the situation given the situation. not much can be done to turn the economy around as it is. that is something that is very much on voters minds. that is something that republicans want to capitalize on in the coming weeks. gregg: recriminations are endemic in washington. the president promised the stimulus and keep unemployment below 8% and that failed and then a promise of summer of recovery with half a million jobs, that didn t work either. opposite happened is there a sense on the hill that president obama here as overpromised and that his failure to meet his own announced expectations was a political mistake? that is great question. i think that quite a new democrats are frustrated and
but at least by next hurricane season we will have true hundred year protection, but we need to go further than that, with coastal restoration and better protection for outlying areas like several parishes. has washington realized the importance of adequately preparing for the next hurricane on the gulf coast? we have a lot of lessons to learned. we ve learned some of them. much more effective evacuation, building stronger levees but we re not there yet in terms of coastal restoration and important protection. so we re still working on that. julie: what effect will the bp oil spill, if any, have on how local and state officials respond? for several months we have been planning what if a majors storm hits while the oil spill