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Venice Family Clinic received a COVID grant from the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles on Tuesday. (Shutterstock)
VENICE, CA Martin Luther King Community Hospital and Venice Family Clinic are among five local recipients of $1.3 million in COVID-19 Response Grants awarded Tuesday by the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles to address urgent physical and mental health care needs arising out of the pandemic.
The grants will also support small businesses struggling to stay afloat through interest-free loans. The distributions are part of the previously announced multi-stage initiative through which The Foundation has committed more than $8 million in giving, the largest amount ever earmarked by the institution to a single cause.
Vaccination plan in California wants to save more Latino lives Experts warn of the importance of vaccines to reduce hospitalizations and the number of deaths among the Hispanic community, the most affected by the pandemic.
Photo Credit: CDC / Unsplash
Jenny Manrique
Ethnic Media Services
After caring for numerous members of Hispanic families who one by one fell ill in the face of the rapid spread of COVID-19, Dr. Verónica Ramírez of the Martin Luther King Community Hospital in Los Angeles saw the opportunity to get vaccinated as a way to, “be an example to begin to take control of this pandemic.”