HARRISBURG — Several local communities were awarded state grants for key infrastructure projects, Rep. Martin Causer, R-Turtlepoint, Sen. Cris Dush, R-Brookville, and Rep. Mike Armanini, R-DuBois, announced Tuesday.
BELLEFONTE Pennsylvania will send hundreds of thousands of dollars more to rural counties as part of an increase to what the government pays for state-owned
Pennsylvania makes payments in lieu of taxes for state forests, parks, and game lands. As part of the finished budget, counties will benefit from the first rate increase in years.
Local news from StateCollege.com and Centre County Partners. Read about A Budget Boost to Payments for State-Owned Land Will Benefit Rural Pa. Counties and more from the State College, PA region
Pennsylvania makes payments in lieu of taxes for state forests, parks, and game lands. As part of the finished budget, counties will benefit from the first rate increase in years.